About Me
- College: University of Southern California (USC), Phi Beta Kappa
- Law School: University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Law Review, Moot Court
- Anchorage Law/Mediation Practice: formerly, Gruenberg, Clover and Holland; presently Law Office/Mediation Services of Joan Clover
- Former co-chair and executive committee member of the Family Law Section of the Alaska Bar Association
- Past seminar lecturer on family law topics for groups of lawyers (i.e. Property Issues in Divorce, Prenuptial and Marital Agreements)
- Former Adjunct Professor for Family Law at the University of Alaska, Anchorage (UAA)
- 40-hour intensive Divorce Mediation Training at Northwestern University (Chicago)
- Numerous trainings on mediation and collaborative law on a current, on-going basis
- Mediator for the Alaska Court System’s Child Custody and Visitation Mediation Program (2012-present)